
New offer

Select property type and listing

Indicate the area, and better the street and house number.
Indicate the geo-position of the object as accurately as possible. Announcements without geo-position are not posted.

Сommercial real estate

About the apartment

About the house


About the object

m2 m2
At home

About the house


Photos and videos

Take a picture of all the rooms, the kitchen, the bathroom, the corridor, the balcony, the view from the window, the facade of the building, the entrance. Maximum 30 photos to 10 MB. All photos must show the property. The first photo will be the cover of the ad, which should be the living room or the entire property.
Take a picture of the site from different angles. Maximum 30 photos to 10 MB

Amenities and details

Describe the benefits in one or more site languages. If necessary, the text will be translated into another language automatically. The description should not contain URL links.


Please note that price ads are of much greater interest to visitors.


Please select the account type. Realtors and real estate agencies have additional accommodation benefits.
Please upload the logo after adding the ad and tell the agency on the profile page.
Please upload your photo after adding the offer and tell us about yourself on the profile page.
Choose if you are ready to show the object online using video call services.